Sunday, 22 September 2013

Fake You Out by Twenty One Pilots (Track Review)

The Mario Brothers. That's what the intro reminded me of initially. It's a good thing. it's a bad thing. It's got synthesizers, baby, and it's not ashamed of it. It also has Tyler Joseph, who has the funkiest, sexiest and most alluring voice, which reaches peak performance while it teases that falsetto. It's those high notes that are indelibly lodged in my brain long after I've stopped listening to the song. I have to say I don't mind that one bit.

I don't love this song. I don't hate it either. I love parts of it. As a total musical experience, it's an acquired taste. And if your musical taste tends towards the adventurous then this is worth checking out. Synthesizers. Male falsetto. Rap. Screaming growl. They're all in this song! Do yourself a favor and listen to the whole thing before formulating an opinion about it or the band. As for me, high marks just for Tyler's voice! The rest is growing on me.

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